What Is It?
EFL teaches high school students how to integrate economics into the process of decision-making through a hands-on, experiential environment. Economics professors and leadership instructors, selected nationwide for their expertise and teaching effectiveness, lead classes that introduce students to "the economic way of thinking," and help them develop an understanding of and skill in leadership. Students will also be challenged by creative decision-making simulations in which they apply the concepts learned in the classroom.
Sites and Dates
Sites and Dates
Programs are held on college campuses throughout the 2011 summer.
Click here to view sites and dates
What Does It Cost?
What Does It Cost?
Lodging, meals, and materials are provided by the Foundation. The only expenses not covered are an administrative fee (site-specific, ranging from $125 - $500), transportation to and from the site, and incidental spending money.
Who Can Apply?
EFL is open to high school students who will complete their junior year in 2011.
Deadline to Apply
Applications will be accepted until March 4, 2011