The oldest and most respected Massage Therapy School in Jacksonville is again waiving the usual $9,000.00 tuition for their 900 hour advanced massage therapy program.
That’s right, absolutely no tuition for an entire year of training! There is an initial (one-time) enrollment fee of $200 and a small monthly fee of $99. That’s it, no other fees are charged by the school. Neither a student loan or financial aide is required. Students graduate ready to take the state licensing exam without having the usual college debt. Everything is paid for by the end of graduation.
Current and past students frequently ask “Why would anybody borrow $12,000.00 to $24.000.00 for tuition to learn massage therapy when you can learn from the best for next to nothing?”
Florida leads the country in massage education and can boast of having some of the finest massage instructors anywhere. Nowhere is this more evident than at Alpha School of Massage, which has 2 instructors that have been teaching there since 1995.
While some schools are closing their massage therapy programs, Alpha School of Massage is expanding their massage program. Unlike many of the other massage programs which are taught at schools that offer several other programs (such as ultrasound; nursing assistants; medical assistants; radiology; etc.) massage is the only program taught at Alpha. This enables their staff to focus and expand their knowledge and expertise completely on massage and massage related topics.
There aren’t any tricks or gimmicks to this offer. Channel 4 news aired a story about this wonderful “no tuition” opportunity in July, 2007. We have also been featured in a few other local television stories, as well as having a full page story in Folio Weekly. This is a fantastic opportunity for your students that don’t want a traditional 2 or 4 year college degree, or can’t afford one.
Alpha School of Massage, Inc.
4642 San Juan Ave.
Jacksonville, Fl. 32210
(904) 389-9117 mm6527